About Stacey

Through obedience, Stacey has been called to tell people's stories of God's love, mercy, blessings, and redemptions in their lives.  Stacey is a task master who loves to check things off of her list, and when God gave her an assignment, He knew she would get the job done. Stacey has strived to complete each task with excellence as she has been guided by the Holy Spirit to create something about which she knew nothing. However, God has been leading and guiding the creation of this Vine and Branches Stories website and app space for people to share the joy that comes from having a life-changing encounter with Christ.

The stories we share do not always have to be those huge God-healed-me-from-leprosy stories, but we can find growth, comfort, and connection in learning to see God's goodness in our everyday lives and recognizing how God is with us in the big things that happen as well as the little things that happen. His hand is upon everything. Stacey has felt guided by the James 1 verse: "If it's good, it's God."

"Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow." James 1:17 (NLT)