The Power of a Story

Why Should I Share My Testimony of God’s Faithfulness ?

Stories hold a lot of power. They have the power to change opinions, to create empathy, to provide clarity, and to bring transformation. Our personal stories are unique and are essential tools in helping others to understand how Jesus impacts lives in real and tangible ways. Through stories, people can begin to believe that change is possible and to hope is personal. They can start to understand what love looks like and to grasp that true, lasting selfless love can be theirs to experience through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

…Sometimes, a personal story of how God worked in our lives is the best way to share. Other times, someone else’s story will connect more strongly with the person whom we are trying to reach. Either way, we are presenting our listeners with a gift when we share a story.

Sharing stories can sometimes take us outside of our comfort zones as we open up about how Jesus has worked in our lives. As we think about stories to share, we can be comforted by the fact that the Holy Spirit is at work as we share. He is the one that will ultimately soften hearts so that our messages can be heard. We can trust Him to work through us as we come alongside the work that He is already doing in the hearer’s heart.

Source: Crutweets. (n.d.). Small group lesson template: Quick guide: CRU. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from